Testimonial from Minerva (London) Limited

I can't believe that very soon you will be leaving us to start your own business. For the last few years I have come to rely on your encouragement and support in so many ways. You will be missed by me and other members of the Minerva management team.
I am convinced you will make a success of your new venture and I wish you all the luck in the world. I'm glad that over the next few weeks and months you will still be 'on-hand' should I need advice on some of the key issues to do with our business - I'm sure I will!
I hope you'll remember the years working with Minerva with fondness. We've had some very good times and some tough times but it's never been boring and always a challenge. Throughout it all you always maintained the highest professional standards, your composure and most importantly, your sense of humour and that's what we'll miss most (OK, maybe not the sense of humour!).
All the best
Steve Carrigan