Firestone Approved RubberCover Installer For Flat Roofing In Crowborough - 03/05/2020
Well-Established Firestone Approved Installer Of RubberCover EPDM For Flat Roofing, Currently Located In Crowborough, East Sussex (Easily Relocatable)
This Firestone approved installer of RubberCover EPDM was established by the proprietor about seven years ago and serves Crowborough, Uckfield, Tunbridge Wells and across the South East of England.
EPDM roofing is the ideal solution for small residential flat roofs and extensions, as well as porches, garages, carports and garden sheds. Named as the 'Best Buy' roofing membrane by ACTAC (the Association of Community Technical Aid Centres Ltd), Firestone rubber roofing is completely reliable and in most residential applications, a seamless solution, due to the large sheet sizes available.
Unlike more rigid flat roof systems, EPDM stays flexible so it can move with building it is fitted to and it will never perish, crack or split. Installation is extremely safe with no need for flames or heat. This rubber roofing system is successful in hot and cold weather.
This business does not have its own operating premises and associated costs. It can be run from home or as part of a larger construction, building or roofing business, and is therefore easily relocatable.
This is an excellent opportunity to acquire a well-established Firestone approved installer of RubberCover EPDM for flat roofs, ideal to be run independently from home or as part of a larger construction, building or roofing business. It is therefore easily relocatable.
Offers in the region of £49,950 + stock at valuation for the Business Goodwill, Brand, Website, Contacts & Forward Order Book
VIEWING - Appointments to view this business must be made through Management Inspirations Limited by contacting this office. Under no circumstances approach the vendor(s), or their staff directly. Contact Management Inspirations Limited for Full Details.
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