Consultancy Services

New Businesses:
Management Inspirations has the expertise to help set up your new business, whether this is as a Sole Trader, Partnership or Limited Company, and advise accordingly. Also to prepare a detailed Business Plan to ensure this business is viable and assist in the raising of any necessary finance.
During The Early Years:
A large number of businesses fail in their first few years. Management Inspirations works closely with businesses in all industries to advise and support the owners / management with all major decision - both financial and strategic.
Decisions made in the first few years will help shape the future of the business, giving it a secure foundation.
Looking To Raise Finance:
Almost all businesses as some point in their existence will need to raise finance. Even in times of economic downturn, the banks will be in a position to lend to businesses. It is just that the criteria will become much stricter.
At Management Inspirations we can prepare a detailed Business Plan, specific to your business, providing all the information needed by your bank, work with you and them, to give you the greatest opportunity to raise the finance you need.
Business Plans:
Management Inspirations can prepare Business Plans for the next step of your business development, incorporating the past, present and future.
The Business Plan will include:
- analysing the strengths, weeknesses, opportunities and threats of the business
- reviewing the marketing strategy
- history of the business
- details of all the staff
- details of the business premises
- future plans of the business
- 3-year Profit & Loss and Cashflow Forecasts
- any specific information requested
It is crucial that businesses recruit the right staff. We can provide all the necessary recruitment support tailored to your needs. See P&C Recruitment.
On-going Support:
Management Inspirations can provide on-going business support - both financial and strategic - on a monthly basis for a monthly fee.
We will act in a role equivalent to a part-time Finance Director
This role can include:
- chairing management meeting and writing up minutes
- preparing monthly management accounts to show the profitability of the business
- looking at cost controlling methods and other areas of business development
- producing and analysing ongoing financial information
- reviewing costs on a monthly basis and monitoring the business' cashflow
- preparing profit forecasts going forward
- analysing how the business is growing and methods of promoting the business
- looking at other business opportunities and business plans
- giving advice and support as required
Ad-hoc Support:
Management Inspirations can work with your business on specific projects, freeing up your time to get on the with day-to-day running of the business.
Specific projects can include research work, analysis of Annual Accounts and one-off business assignments, as required.
Business Expansion:
Whether wanting to expand you business by organic growth, merger or acquistions, Management Inspirations provide the necessary support and advice - working closely with your other professional advisers - to ensure this process is successful.
Sale of Businesses:
Management Inspirations, working closely with one of the UK's largest Selling Agents, will assist in the sale of your business and through the Selling Agents ensure that the process runs smoothly and to completion. See Businesses For Sales.
Terms & Conditions

These will be charged at a daily rate of £600 +vat, although visits may be on a half day basis and charged accordingly. This fee level will be reviewed after six months.
Should any specific additional assignments be required we would discuss the appropriate fee on a project-by-project basis.
Additional Costs and Payment Terms:
Any expenses incurred on behalf of or at the request of a client, in both cases, will be agreed in advance.
Invoices billed are payable strictly within 14 days, unless agreed otherwise.
Management Inspirations has been set up to channel our expertise in order to enhance our clients' organisations and to allow them the freedom to develop and grow their businesses.
Unless requested, we do not take Board positions (but are happy to attend Board Meetings) and will not hold shares in the business.
Our position is as an independent consultant providing management and business support and advice.